Web Decentralisation will enable staff to personally update their webpages at their convenience, which will ensure that the information on our webpages are up-to-date, While ITeMS will continue to ensure that the website design, layout, visibility and stability is at par with global standard, the decentralisation of webpages will be commencing at 3 levels as follows:
- Individual pages (Starting with Academic Staff)
- Department/Unit pages
- Faculty/Institute/Centre Pages
Workshop venue: Resource Centre, MacArthur Building
Workshop duration per session: 1 hour 30 minutes
For additional information, kindly contact the following individuals:
- Deputy Director, MIS, ITeMS, dd mis@ui.edu.ng; 08023658020
- Webmaster - Mrs. Esther Alabi, ea.alabi@ui.edu.ng; 07033069863
Kindly note that this also provides an opportunity to resolve difficulties of accessing institutional E-mail.